mašina za peskarenje sa kukomopćenito ima veći izgled, a postupak instalacije je relativno složeniji od onog kod male opreme. Pravilna instalacija i mašina za testiranje ključ su za osiguranje normalnog rada kasnije opreme. U slučaju nekvalificiranih početnih operacija, korisnici su dužni strogo slijediti upute relevantnog osoblja ili se uputiti na upute. Neovlašteni rad može lako uzrokovati nepovratna oštećenja
stroj za pjeskarenje udicom. Theshot blasting machine manufacturer has sorted out the precautions for installation and test machine to share with you. I hope it will be helpful to users who use the device for the first time.
1. Installation. The
mašina za peskarenje sa kukom is installed and debugged in the production plant and disassembled into several parts before being transported to the user site for installation. Although there is no pit, the foundation must be firm, the anchor bolt holes must be standardized, and the chamber body must be adjusted. After the second irrigation, the anchor bolt nuts can be tightened after solidification. After the chamber body is fixed, the various parts can be installed. Theprecautions for the installation and debugging of the relevant components are introduced below.
1. Uređaj za pjeskarenje:
Theshot blasting device has been installed on the chamber body before leaving the factory. Please pay attention to the problems to be debugged before use. Check whether the fixed positions of the blade, the pill wheel, the directional sleeve, and the guard plate are accurate and firm, and check whether the direction of rotation is correct after power on. Then adjust the position of the directional sleeve opening. Theoretically, the angle between the front edge of the directional opening and the front edge of the blade throwing position is about 900. After fixing the position of the directional sleeve, the position of the projectile belt can be detected by hanging Place a steel plate or wooden board on the position of the workpiece facing the exit of the shot blasting machine, start the shot blasting machine, put a small amount (2-5kg) of projectiles into the blasting tube, and then stop, check whether the hit position on the steel plate is suitable for the needs, such as Close the window of the bias-adjustable directional sleeve downwards, and vice versa, until it fits, and note the position of the directional sleeve opening as a basis for future replacement of the directional sleeve.
2. Dizalica i pužni transporter:
Prvo provedite ispitivanje bez opterećenja kako biste provjerili rade li kašika za dizanje i spiralne lopatice u ispravnom smjeru, a zatim zategnite pojas dizalice do umjerenog stupnja zatezanja kako biste izbjegli odstupanje, a zatim provedite test opterećenja kako biste provjerili rad i transportni kapacitet, ima li čudnovatosti Buka i vibracije, provjerite i uklonite prepreke.
3. Odvajač pilula-pijesak:
Prvo provjerite je li kretanje naleta fleksibilno, a zatim provjerite pravilan položaj ploče za odvajanje, a zatim kada je dizalica opterećena i otklonjena pogreška, dolazi do kontinuiranog dotoka čeličnih sačmi, te provjerite da li čelične sačme istječu i padaju kada se padobran isprazni